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Labour and employment law :
One consequence of the health situation is that many union reps are being contacted by members who are sadly struggling to cope. For some time, ALEBA has noticed that its union reps are being approached by salaried members who are suffering from psycho-social illnesses; a trend that is clearly on the rise in the financial sector.
ALEBA's Social Service offers an active and benevolent listening service to union reps and/or members subject to psychosocial risks in their professional careers. Our coordinators, Caroline Marchoul (social worker) and Charlotte Fossoul (psychologist), can support and accompany you in any legal dealings, and even make our delegations aware of your problems (stress, burn-out, harassment, etc.) — should you wish. ALEBA takes care of employees and union reps who are experiencing difficulties at certain moments of their professional careers. ALEBA makes it a point of honor to provide a human-centric framework for employees, without omitting the legal aspects necessary for the achievement of sustainable changes for all. Its mission includes: The aim of raising awareness is to inform employees, who are concerned about the dangers of these psycho-social illnesses, by giving them the means, advice and strategies necessary to overcome such problems.The result should be an improvement in the well-being of the employee, which will ultimately lead to increased motivation in the employee's daily work. Favorable working conditions contribute to better results, which also benefit the company.
The social support for these psycho-social illnesses mainly consists of informing those who are affected of their legal rights and duties. It also involves dealing with the various occupational medicine partners, such as the Caisse Nationale de Santé (National Health Fund), the Caisse Nationale d’Assurance (National Pension Fund) for early retirement, temporary invalidity issues and so forth, the Administration de l’Emploi (Employment Administration Board), etc.
By engaging in dialogue and acting in close cooperation with ALEBA's various services, including Coordination & Communication, the Social Service is able to provide comprehensive support, advice, strategies and remedies for the situation — whether human, work-related or social — to the concerned employee or union rep.